Tuesday, September 6, 2011


You can copy an image and paste it where you need it.

Copy and paste within your pencil program
To copy all or part of an image that you already have on a layer, surround it with the dotted line box.

After you surround it go to the top menu bar and select edit, copy. Then place a new dotted line box near where you want the copy. You can even copy from one frame to another.

Press paste on the top menu bar and your image will appear.

You can click the selector arrow and move the image where you need it. I like to hit save each time I copy and paste an image.

On windows 7 I find that if I don't hit save after each move the images wind up where I originally pasted them, (not where I had moved them).

If you need to adjust the location, surround the image with the dotted box and click on the little solid black arrow on your tools menu. you can use the arrow to move the image in the box wherever you need it. just click inside the box and hold it and move it where you need it. Click outside the box and the box will disappear.

Caution- if your dotted box is smaller or narrower than the image you want to copy then it will shrink the image to fit the new smaller box. For an accurate copy make sure the box is big enough and it will come out close to the original.

You can use this box to reduce a copy of an image if you need to. The image will scale to the size of the smaller box. You can do the reverse to enlarge images.


  1. it does not work. i mean: i did an image and i clicked the box and i tryed to put to box around the picture but it did NOT appear! Hewlp!

  2. Same problem as you Fuzzy AJ. Have you been abke to sovle this? Thanks

  3. Same problem as you Fuzzy AJ. Have you been abke to sovle this? Thanks

  4. Same problem as you Fuzzy AJ. Have you been abke to sovle this? Thanks
